
At Our Baby Friendly, we always look out for your baby because a healthy and Happy baby means a healthy and Happy Mommy.
This is a baby product that has been known to hinder development in a baby if introduced at the wrong time.
Its best to avoid them totally if you are unsure or ask your pediatrician when to introduce it.

Baby Walkers

The 1997 study of walkers has brought to our attention that walkers may delay baby walking abilities by 1 month. The natural instinct of a baby is to lift up themselves from a faced down position with their arms at 3 months to 4 months. This aids core strengthening of their spine and waist.
When a baby uses walker from 4 months, it may slow the baby’s sitting and walking habit. It puts pressure on the baby’s hips and legs which shouldn’t be pressurized at his age.
The general rule of thumb is ‘a baby shouldn’t use walkers before he can seat or after he can stand’.

Also read about how to choose baby car seats

You got this Momma!

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