
Diarrhea or Diarrhoea in children can be described as more explosive poop in a baby’s diaper. This stool often times comes out more quickly and may be tinged with blood or greenish in colour.

Diarrhea often happens when food moves too quickly through the gut of a baby or an adult.
Diarrhea stools often can weaken a child if it continues for too long.

This is very different if the child has issue pooping or passing out stool, you can see how to attend to this here.

How to Quickly Attend to Diarrhea

1. Give the Child Oral Rehydration Therapy.

This is available in pharmacy or drug store near you. This mixed properly will give the child the desired energy and strength he or she requires.

2. Check for common causes of Diarrhea

When Diarrhea happens, it could be as a result of change of food, proper care and hygiene of baby’s utensils, a new environment, chemicals and toxins from fumigation or ingestion and Immunization.
This last cause is often overlooked, when a baby comes in contact with substances in the environment or at home, these toxins and chemicals can trigger diarrhea. Check your cleaning and laundry products to ensure you are mixing it in the right quantity and amount.

3. Call your Health Care Professional.

When your baby keeps passing out loosed or watery stool for 2 days or with blood or mucus present, kindly contact your health care professional to attend to you immediately. If you notice blood in the stool don’t wait for the 2 days mark quickly take the child in to the Emergency area for check up and medical aid.

If you also notice weakness or lethargy in the child after you have administered the ORT, kindly take the child to see you healthcare professional.


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