New Mothers Need a Period of Rest and Recovery after the Birth

A wonderful new book that promotes an age old concept, caring for women after they give birth. A Postpartum Doula fills that role for many families.
The “doula” is a Greek word that has come to mean “one who serves or Mothers the new Mother” caring for new families and nurturing them after the birth. Postpartum Doulas are different than a baby nurse. We’re a postpartum service for families who want to take care of their newborn, but need nurturing care for their  families, themselves  and their household. And to learn and be supported breastfeeding and how to care for a newborn.
Doulas never interrupt the bonding of a new family.

Image used from
Heng Ou’s new book “The First 40 Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother”

With so much change occurring Postpartum Doulas can help ease the transition with non-judgmental supportive care, supportive by helping with the newborn and breastfeeding or by simply preparing you a cup of tea and something nourishing to eat and giving you a chance to talk about your new mothering concerns.

Beautiful new book.

Beautiful new book.



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