
This is a topic a lot of mothers never speak about or find no reason to due to the fact that no one tells you what to expect after baby is out, or just too ashamed to discuss our postpartum health.

We mothers get sooo excited about our new born coming into the world and we buy every single thing in the baby store, even things we will never need. Even for baby showers we get a lot of baby clothes and some funny baby outfits that might never be worn and good packs of diapers.

But have you thought about yourself, have you asked a mum what does it feel like. Most of us just ask what labour pain feels like because we feel that is the only pain. You need to equip yourself mummy-to-be. When your friends ask what you need for baby shower gifts feel free to mention this needs to one or two friends attending or better still go to the stores or online and grab what you need.

1 Perineal Bottle:

This is a must have, you need to feel better down there when you use the toilet. You do not want to be touchy touchy after the whole process

2 Pads

Get enough

3 Ice pack:

This is one of the best things that could happen to your lady area as soon as baby is out

4 Pain killer:

You will be in pain trust me, including your boobs. You need pain killer. Let your doctor recommend a good one for you.

5 Tucks pad

This is a cooling perineal pad you place on your pad when you need to relieve yourself of the pain down there.

6 Disposable Undies:

Trust me you don’t want to be washing all that mess and running out to calm your new born.

7 Breast pad:

A lot of milk leakage will be going on. You do not want to be licking in public.

8 Breastfeeding nighty:

I recommend this for late night breastfeeding. When those eyes are heavy, you do not want to be pulling and fighting with your pjays

9 Water bottle:

You need to be hydrated always.

10 Tummy wrap:

Note there is the hospital wrap and there is the waist trainer. Wrapping is not soo forceful as waist trainers but it also reduces the belly. Trust me it works.

Grab your hands on as much as can make postpartum a bit lighter for you. You have a new born and remember when all gets to hard with your body and baby, calm down, breath in and out, tell yourself ‘ this too will pass’ . You will feel better soon and your baby will grow amazing.

Also Check out Postpartum Depression- Coping with Baby Blues

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